1. Just a reminder that we are in session on Mondays during the months of January and February (excluding 1/20 and 2/17). 2. Registration for the 2025/2026 school year is now open. Registration forms have been sent home. Registration is on a 1st come 1st serve basis. 3. Information and order forms for our 3rd fundraiser, a Salsa sale, will be sent home on Feb. 3rd. All sales and payment are due by Feb. 13th. Only check or money orders will be accepted.
FUTURE DATES: 1. Monday, Feb. 10th - Pathways to Recovery will be here to talk to the children about Mr. Yuk and poisons. 2. Thursday, Feb. 13th - Salsa orders are due with payment. 3. Monday, Feb. 17th - No School due the President’s Day holiday.
Mrs. Gavio: This week we will working on numbers 8 and 9 and continue to practice counting. We will also begin Valentine’s Day activities.
Mrs. Kelchak: This week we will continue with the alphabet, letters G and H. We will also begin Valentine’s celebrating the 100th day of school.
Mrs. Torre: Kindergarten: Reading: * New words: she, see, look * “We Like It,” * Letters Q sounds and writing * Math: * Addition & Subtraction using mental math * #14 * Valentines treats and boxes due Feb. 7th