- Fundraiser #3 will be held this month -a Salsa Sale. Information will be sent home later this month. The salsa has received great reviews from our families. It will run from Tuesday, Feb. 3rd - Thursday, Feb. 13th.
- Monday, February 10th - Pathways to Recovery will be here to talk to the children about Mr. Yuk.
- Book orders – The deadline for this month’s order will be Wednesday,
- Valentine Party – Our parties will be held on Friday, February 14th. The
teacher will send home the number of valentine’s needed. Please have
cards and any other special treats into your child’s classroom no later than
Tuesday, Feb. 11th. Please follow same policy as previous parties-
only pre-packaged, sealed, and unopened treats/snacks.
- Monday, February 17th - NO SCHOOL due to President’s Day.
- Weather Conditions – We still have a lot of winter ahead of us, so in case
We will be listed as: Hazleton Trinity Nursery and Kindergarten. Weather
related issues can also be found on the school’s facebook page or website:
Remember that we do not delay and be especially aware if the delay
changes to close - keep checking before you leave for school; however,
please use your own judgment on those nasty days.
Registration -
If you plan on returning next year and have not handed in your registration form yet, please understand that registration is a first come first serve basis. If you know of anyone that would be interested in registering for next year, please take a registration form for them, have them come in for one, or call for more information. They can also go to our website, www.HazletonTrinitySchool.com for information. Word of mouth has always been our best advertisement. Those who have registered for Kindergarten, please make an appointment for your child’s kindergarten physical with your family doctor.
Thank you! We would like to extend a big thank you to all of our families! We appreciate your continued support.