Established in 1977, by the Rev. Dr. Carl G. Schweitzer.
Trinity is a non-profit, self supporting ministry, housed within Trinity Lutheran Church.
Trinity Nursery and Kindergarten School follows the HASD calendar (no Act 80 days).
Weather related school closings can be viewed on Channel 22(WYOU), Channel 28 (WBRE), www.PAHomePage.com, or our website, www.HazletonTrinitySchool.com.
Weekly music and movement classes are enjoyed by the children. Music is usually held on Fridays.
Trinity offers many optional opportunities for our students to take part in. They include:
Vision Screening - done by the Community Services for Sight.
Speech screening - done by the HASD Early intervention.
We participate in the Weis4Schools Rewards program.
Also available (although families are under no obligation):
Monthly Scholastic Book Club
Trinity Tee-shirt/Sweatshirt sale
School pictures
Santa pictures
DVD’s of our Christmas and Graduation programs- professionally captured by Sweet Shots Productions.
Four fund-raising events are held during the course of the year- families are asked to participate in at least three of them.
Fund-raisers are necessary as Trinity is a non-profit and ALL children benefit from these sales by allowing us to keep our tuition affordable. Monies are used to help defray the cost of supplies and the end of the year field trip.
Educational programs through the: Hazleton Fire Department, Pathway to Recovery (formerly known as Serento Gardens), local Dentists, HPD, and the Community Services for the Sight help to round out our children’s learning experiences.
Trinity School is an Evangelical Outreach of Trinity Lutheran Church, Hazleton.
Rev. Wayne Kaufman, Designated Pastor
Sunday School - Sundays beginning at 9:30 AM
Worship Service - Sundays beginning at 10:30 AM
*** A classroom community can lead to a peaceful world.
Established in 1977, by the Rev. Dr. Carl G. Schweitzer.
Trinity is a non-profit, self supporting ministry, housed within Trinity Lutheran Church.
Trinity Nursery and Kindergarten School follows the HASD calendar (no Act 80 days).
Weather related school closings can be viewed on Channel 22(WYOU), Channel 28 (WBRE), www.PAHomePage.com, or our website, www.HazletonTrinitySchool.com.
Weekly music and movement classes are enjoyed by the children. Music is usually held on Fridays.
Trinity offers many optional opportunities for our students to take part in. They include:
Vision Screening - done by the Community Services for Sight.
Speech screening - done by the HASD Early intervention.
We participate in the Weis4Schools Rewards program.
Also available (although families are under no obligation):
Monthly Scholastic Book Club
Trinity Tee-shirt/Sweatshirt sale
School pictures
Santa pictures
DVD’s of our Christmas and Graduation programs- professionally captured by Sweet Shots Productions.
Four fund-raising events are held during the course of the year- families are asked to participate in at least three of them.
Fund-raisers are necessary as Trinity is a non-profit and ALL children benefit from these sales by allowing us to keep our tuition affordable. Monies are used to help defray the cost of supplies and the end of the year field trip.
Educational programs through the: Hazleton Fire Department, Pathway to Recovery (formerly known as Serento Gardens), local Dentists, HPD, and the Community Services for the Sight help to round out our children’s learning experiences.
Trinity School is an Evangelical Outreach of Trinity Lutheran Church, Hazleton.
Rev. Wayne Kaufman, Designated Pastor
Sunday School - Sundays beginning at 9:30 AM
Worship Service - Sundays beginning at 10:30 AM
*** A classroom community can lead to a peaceful world.
Hazleton Trinity Nursery and Kindergarten School, 100 N. Church St., Hazleton, PA 18201 - (570)454-8123