Health & Safety Plan
Hazleton Trinity Nursery and Kindergarten School
Health and Safety Protocols 2021-2022
The intent of these protocols is to serve as the schools’ guidelines for opening activities for the 2021/2022 school year. The purpose is to achieve the following goals:
1. Enable Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School to continue to operate and provide services as normally and effective as possible.
2. To help to keep transmission as low as possible.
3. Ensure a communication system to provide the students, parents, and staff timely and accurate information.
4. The responses of Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School will be directed by the DOH, PDE direction and guidance as well as the CDC.
Mission Statement:
Our mission statement at Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School is to help in the intellectual, emotional, and social development of our students through social interaction as well as age-appropriate activities.
Likely Realities and Constraints
Our current situation is unpredictable; however, there are some realities that can be anticipated. Those realities help our plans to open, while others make it little more challenging in our efforts. It is important, as we plan, for everyone to work together and be on the same page about what is likely so we can focus our efforts on the most likely circumstances.
1. The virus is here, and its level of spread may vary. COVID-19 will be present throughout the upcoming months.
2. Covid-19 testing is available.
3. School will open on August 30th for back to school conferences. There will be changes utilized to promote health and safety.
4. Virtual instruction will not be an option in the event of closure. Hazleton Trinity does not have the capabilities to provide virtual instruction
Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting, and Ventilation
1. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects within the school daily.
2. Communal drinking fountain will not be used.
3. Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air by opening windows and doors when possible.
4. Ensure classrooms have necessary disinfectant/cleaning supplies.
5. Classroom tables will be cleaned after snack.
Social Distancing and other Safety Protocols
1. Create staggered schedule to limit number of individuals in classroom and other spaces.
2. Restrict interactions between groups of students at this time.
3. Develop a schedule so that student groupings are as static as possible by having the same group of students stay with the same staff.
4. Practice social distancing (3 feet) to the maximum extent possible.
5. Limit gatherings and events to those that can maintain social distancing when feasible.
6. Reinforce hand washing and covering coughs among students and staff.
7. Ensure adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene.
8. Refrain from scheduling large group activities.
9. Restrict non-essential visitors.
10. Separate students within common areas such as arrival and dismissal. Each class will be assigned their own door to arrive and dismiss at.
11. Masks must be worn and can be taken off during snack time and outdoor playground.
Monitoring Student and Staff Health
1. Masks must be worn by everyone in the building.
2. Encourage staff to stay home if not feeling well and encourage parents to keep sick children home.
3. Temperature checks will be done periodically at arrival of both child and parent. Staff will also have temperatures checked periodically.
4. Parents, as well as staff, will be encouraged to check for symptoms before coming to school using the School Symptom Screening tool. (See Attachment A)
5. A separate room/space will be available for anyone who becomes ill while at school until they can be picked up.
6. Ensure necessary supplies are in the room: hand sanitizer, tissues, paper towels, disinfectant, garbage can.
7. Disinfect room after use.
8. Notify staff and families, local health officials of confirmed case.
9. Follow CDC guidance for isolation/quarantine/returning to school. (See Attachment B & C)
Other Considerations for Students and Staff
1. Discontinue use of Perfect Attendance Awards.
2. Continue to follow guidelines posted by DOH, CDC, DOE.
Attachment B
Guidelines for Dealing with COVID Cases
If a student or staff member has a suspected case of COVID-19 or is demonstrating symptoms.
1. Immediately separate individual with COVID-19 symptoms at school. Individuals who are sick should go home or to a healthcare facility depending on severity of symptoms. CDC guidance for caring for oneself should be followed.
2. Provide an isolation room.
3. Notify parent/ guardian for pick up.
4. Can return in accordance with one of the following scenarios
a. With negative COVID test:
1. Documentation of negative COVID test from individual’s healthcare provider, and
2. At least 24 hours fever free with no fever reducing medication, and
3. Symptoms improving
b. With an alternative diagnosis
1. Documentation of an alternative diagnosis from individual’s health care
provider, and
2. At least 4 hours fever free with no fever reducing medication, and
3. Symptoms improving
c. With no COVID Test
1. 24 hours with no fever with no fever reducing medication, and
2. Symptoms have improved, and
3. 10 days since the symptoms first appeared.
If case is confirmed, please see the following section- Confirmed cases of COVID-19.
If a staff member has a confirmed case of COVID-19
1. Notify local health officials for guidance.
2. Staff member should be sent home or stay home while local health officials determine next step.
3. Follow health officials guidance.
4. Communicate to staff and families that there was a confirmed case- without using name or identifying information of the person(s) involved.
5. Clean and sanitize the areas that may have been infected.
6. Evaluate if any other cases related to this case were identified and determine if we need to extend or end the dismissal of close contacts.
7. The staff can return after the following conditions have been met:
• 24 hours with no fever with no fever reducing medication and
• Symptoms improved and
• 10 days since symptoms first appeare
If a student has a confirmed case if COVID-19
1. Notify local health officials to ask for guidance.
2. Dismiss student(s) while health officials can determine next steps.
3. Consider close contacts related to suspected case of COVID-19 using health official guidance.
4. Communicate to staff and families of the confirmed case. Name or identifying information of individual is not permitted.
5. Clean and sanitize areas related to case.
6. Evaluate if any other cases were identified.
7. The student can return after the following conditions have been met
- 24 hours with no fever and no fever reducing medicine and
- Symptoms improved and
- 10 days since symptoms first appeared
If a student/staff member has an exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19 not living in your household, she/he can return after the following conditions have been met:
1. Option 1
• No symptoms.
• 10 days have passed since exposure to the confirmed case.
• Return on day 11.
2. Option 2
• No symptoms
• Negative COVID test on or after day 5.
• Monitor for symptoms days 6 and 7.
• Return on day 8.
If a student/staff member has an exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19 and the confirmed case lives in your household, she/he can return after the following conditions have been met:
1. Stay at home through the entire isolation period of the household member.
2. Once the isolation period ends, the student/staff member must begin his/her quarantine period according to the above schedule for exposure to a confirmed case.
If a student/staff member is fully vaccinated and has an exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19, please contact the school or your local health officials for guidance.
We are awaiting guidance from the PA DOH regarding the impact of vaccination status on quarantine requirements.
Attachment A
We are asking our parents/children and staff to review this screening tool at home each day prior to coming to school. We will not be collecting this information but it is very important that the screening be completed in order to ensure good health. It will be your decisions and choices that allow our school to remain open.
School Symptom Screening Tool
Part 1: If you answer “yes” to questions 1, 2, or 3, please contact the school prior to sending your child to school.
1. Are you/is the student taking any medication to treat or reduce a fever such as Ibuprofen
(i.e. Advil, Motrin) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol)?
2. Have you traveled to an area with travel restrictions or a very high level of transmission?
3. Have you/your child been in close contact with someone diagnose with COVID-19 in the last
10 days or told by the Department of Health that you/your child should quarantine?
Part II
1. Are you/is the student experiencing any of the following?
Group A
1 or more symptoms
Group B
2 or more symptoms
Fever (100.4 or higher)
Cough (New and persistent)
Shortness of breath
Difficulty breathing
Sore throat
Runny nose/congestion
New lack of smell or taste
Muscle pain
Nausea or Vomiting
Stay home if, you or the student:
• Have one or more symptoms in Group A OR
• Have two or more symptoms in Group B OR
• Are taking fever reducing medications OR
• Are within a window for recommended quarantine
Phased School Reopening
Health and Safety Plan
Each school entity must create a Health and Safety Plan which will serve as the local guidelines for all instructional and non- instructional school reopening activities. As with all emergency plans, the Health and Safety Plan developed for each school entity should be tailored to the unique needs of each school and should be created in consultation with local health agencies. Given the dynamic nature of the pandemic, each plan should incorporate enough flexibility to adapt to changing conditions. The templates provided in this toolkit can be used to document a school entity’s Health and Safety Plan, with a focus on professional learning and communications, to ensure all stakeholders are fully informed and prepared for a local phased reopening of school facilities. A school entity’s Health and Safety Plan must be approved by its governing body and posted on the school entity’s publicly available website prior to the reopening of school. School entities should also consider whether the adoption of a new policy or the modification of an existing policy is necessary to effectively implement the Health and Safety Plan.
Each school entity should continue to monitor its Health and Safety Plan throughout the year and update as needed. All revisions should be reviewed and approved by the governing body prior to posting on the school entity’s public website.
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Table of Contents
Overview ……………………………………………………………………………. ..3
Purpose ………………………………………………………. ……………………3
Mission ……………………………………………………………. ……………… ….4
Likely Realities & Constraints ………………………………………………………4
Scope ………………………………………………………. ………………………… 5
Health and Safety Plan .............................................….........................................6
Type of Reopening.................................................................................................7
Pandemic Coordinator/Team.. ..............................................................................8
Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting and Ventilation. .............................................. .9
Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols...................................................... 9
Monitoring Student and Staff Health.................................................................. .13
Other Considerations for Students and Staff...................................................... 15
Health and Safety Plan Professional Development.............................................17
Health and Safety Plan Communications............................................................18
Health and Safety Plan Summary........................................................................19
Facilities Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting and Ventilation.................................19
Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols.....................................................19
Monitoring Student and Staff Health....................................................................20
Other Considerations for Students and Staff .......................................................21
Health and Safety Plan Governing Body Affirmation Statement ..........................22
This resource is based on official guidance from multiple sources to include: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House, American Academy of Pediatrics, Learning Policy Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Rutgers Graduate School of Education, the World Health Organization, the Office of the Prime Minister of Norway as well as the departments of education/health and/or offices of the governor for Idaho, Montana, New York, Texas and Washington, DC.
The plan outlines Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School’s strategy in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from a pandemic, specifically Covid-19, in a collective, community approach. It serves as a guide for the safe reopening of the school. This is a fluid document, based on local, state and federal guidelines, that will continue to develop over time.
This document contains supplemental information from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), the Center formDisease Control (CDC), the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (APA).
The intent of this Health and Safety Plan is to serve as the school’s guidelines for reopening activities. The purpose of this plan is to achieve the following goals:
Mission Statement
Our mission at Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School is to help in the intellectual, emotional, and social development of our students through social interaction as well age appropriate activities.
Likely Realities and Constraints
Our current situation is unpredictable; however, there are some realities that can be anticipated. Those realities help our plans to reopen, while others will make it a little more challenging in our efforts. It is important, as we plan, for everyone to work together and be on the same page about what is likely so we can focus our efforts on the most likely circumstances, while planning for the “what if’ scenarios.
The scope of this Health and Safety Plan covers school reopening as it pertains to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – Symptoms of COVID -19 have reportedly had mild to severe respiratory illness accompanied with fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. The virus is spread person-to-person between people within close contact (about 6 feet), via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person sneezes or coughs, and these droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby where the droplets are inhaled into the lungs. Transmission may also be possible through contact with contaminated surfaces, but this is not thought to be the main way of transmission.
People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Health and Safety Plan: Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School
Health and Safety Plan: Hazleton Trinity Nursery and Kindergarten Health and Safety Plan: Hazleton Trinity Nursery and Kindergarten SSchoolAll decision-makers should be mindful that as long as there are cases of COVID-19 in the community, there are no strategies that can completely eliminate transmission risk within a school population. The goal is to keep transmission as low as possible to safely continue school activities. All school activities must be informed by Governor Wolf’s Process to Reopen Pennsylvania. The administration has categorized reopening into three broad phases: red, yellow, or green. These designations signal how counties and/or regions may begin easing some restrictions on school, work, congregate settings, and social interactions:
Depending upon the public health conditions in any county within the Commonwealth, there could be additional actions, orders, or guidance provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and/or the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) designating the county as being in the red, yellow, or green phase.
Type of Reopening
☒ Total reopen for all students and staff.
☐ Scaffolded reopening: Some students are engaged in in-person learning, while others are distance learning (i.e., some grade levels in-person, other grade levels remote learning).
☐ Blended reopening that balances in-person learning and remote learning for all students (i.e., alternating days or weeks).
☐ Total remote learning for all students. (Plan should reflect future action steps to be implemented and conditions that would prompt the decision as to when schools will re-open for in-person learning).
Anticipated launch date for in-person learning (i.e., start of blended, scaffolded, or total reopening): September 1, 2020
Pandemic Coordinator/Team “Pandemic Team Rules and Responsibilities”:
Kate Amentler Director Both
Jen Saccketti School Board President Both
Mike DeCosmo School Board Member/Parent Both
Jim Leib. School Board President Both
Theresa Seigendall. SchoolBoard Member Both
Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting, and Ventilation
Requirements: Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilating learning spaces, surfaces, and any other areas used by students (i.e., restrooms, drinking fountains, hallways, and transportation)
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases
Lead Individual: Director & teachers
Materials, Resources, and or supports needed: Cleaning materials
PD Required: Y
Other cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilation practices
Action steps under Yellow & Green Phases
Lead Individual: Director & teachers
Maintenance staff
Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols
Requirements: Classroom/ learning space occupancy that allows for 6 feet of separation among students and staff throughout the day, to the maximum extent feasible
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
Lead Individual and Position: Director
PD Required: Y
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Requirements: Hygiene practices for students and staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practices
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resources, & Supports needed: Soap, Hand Sanitizer
CDC Handwashing Resources
Requirements: Posting signs, in highly visible locations, that promote everyday protective measures, and how to stop the spread of germs
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resources, and or supports needed: CDC Website
PD Required: N
Requirements: Identifying and restricting non-essential visitors and volunteers
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resources needed: N/A
PD required: N
Requirements: Handling recess and music class
Action Steps taken under Yellow & Green Phases:
Lead individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resources, and or supports needed: Cleaning Materials
PD required: N
Requirements: Limiting the sharing of materials among students
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
Lead Individual & Position: Director/Teachers
Materials, Resources, and supports needed: Cleaning Materials
PD Required: N
Requirement: Staggering the use of communal spaces and hallways
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
Separate students within common areas
Lead Individual & position: Director/Teachers
Materials, Resources needed: N/A
PD Required: N
Requirement: Adjusting transportation schedules and practices to create social distance between students
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials & resources needed: N/A
PD Required: N
Requirement: Limiting the number of individuals in classrooms and other learning spaces, and interactions between groups of students
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
Lead Individual & position: Director
Materials, Resources needed: N/A
PD Required: N
Other social distancing and safety practices
Monitoring Student and Staff HealthKey Questions
Summary of Responses to Key Questions:
Requirements: Monitoring students and staff for symptoms and history of exposure
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases
Lead Individual & Position: Director/Teachers
Materials, Resources, and or Supports needed: Screening & reporting Procedures
PD Required: Y
Requirements: Isolating or quarantining students, staff, or visitors if they become sick or demonstrate a history of exposure
Action Steps under Yellow and Green Phases:
*A separate room/space will be available for anyone who becomes ill while at school until they can be picked up.
*Close off area used by sick individual & do not use before cleaning & disinfecting.
*Notify staff and families, local health officials of confirmed case.
Lead individual & Position: Director & Teachers
Materials, Resources needed: isolation area
PD Required: Y
Requirement: Returning isolated or quarantined staff, students, or visitors to school
Action Steps taken under Yellow & Green Phases:
Persons who have COVID-19 symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:
· 10 days from the onset of symptoms.
· Resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications for the previous 72 hours.
· Improvement in respiratory symptoms (eg.,cough, shortness of breath)
· Negative results of an FDA Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 molecular assay for detection of
SARS-CoV-2 RNA from at least two consecutive respiratory specimens collected >24 hours apart (total of two negative specimens)
Lead individual & Position: Director/Teachers
Materials & Resources needed: no
PD Required: N
Requirement: Notifying staff, families, and the public of school closures and within-school-year changes in safety protocols
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
· Post Health and Safety Plan on website.
· Provide updates on website & in newsletters/flyers/social media
Lead Individual& Position: Director/Teachers
Materials, Resources, and or Supports needed: Health & Safety Plan
PD Required: n
Other monitoring and screening practices:
Other Considerations for Students and Staff
What is the local policy/procedure regarding face coverings for staff? What is the policy/procedure for students?
· What special protocols will you implement to protect students and staff at higher risk for severe illness?
· How will you ensure enough substitute teachers are prepared in the event of staff illness?
· How will the LEA strategically deploy instructional and non-instructional staff to ensure all students have access to quality learning opportunities, as well as supports for social emotional wellness at school and at home?
Summary of Responses to Key Questions:
Requirement:Requirements Materials, Resources, and or Supports Needed
Protecting students and staff at higher risk for severe illness
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
· Limit or cancel all non-essential travel as necessary.
· Discourage use of Perfect Attendance Awards.
· Restrict interactions between groups.
· Limit gatherings.
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resourses, and or supports needed: n/a
PD required: N
Requirement: Use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by students as appropriate
Action Steps under yellow & Green Phases
Lead individual & position: Director
School Board
Materials, Resources, and or Supports: Signage Regarding Expectations
PD required: N
Requirement: Use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by staff (as appropriate)
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
Lead Individual & Position: Director
School Board
Materials, Resources, and or Supports needed: Signage Regarding Expectations
PD Required: N
Requirement: Unique safety protocols for students with complex needs or other vulnerable individuals
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resources, and or Supports needed: n/a
PD Required: N
Health and Safety Plan Professional Development
The success of your plan for a healthy and safe reopening requires all stakeholders to be prepared with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement the plan as intended. For each item that requires professional development, document the following components of your professional learning plan.
Topic: Implementing Trinity's Health & Safety Plan
Audience: All Staff
Lead Person and Position: Kate Amentler, Director
Session Format: Staff In-Service
Materials, Resources, and or Supports Needed: Copy of plan
Start Date
Completion Date: Prior to start of 2020/2021 school year
Health and Safety Plan Communications
Timely and effective family and caregiver communication about health and safety protocols and schedules will be critical. Schools should be particularly mindful that frequent communications are accessible in non-English languages and to all caregivers (this is particularly important for children residing with grandparents or other kin or foster caregivers). Additionally, LEAs should establish and maintain ongoing communication with local and state authorities to determine current mitigation levels in your community.
Topic: School Board Meeting to discuss opening options
Audience:School Board
Mode of communication: in person meeting
Start date: 6/10/2020
6/ 25/2020
Return to school survey
Board President
School Board meeting to develop Health & Safety Plan
Staff Updates
Staff- ongoing
7/23/2020- to go over health plan with staff
Department of Health Communication
on-going phone calls made by the director
Health and Safety Plan Summary: Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School
Anticipated Launch Date: September 1, 2020
Use these summary tables to provide your local education community with a detailed overview of your Health and Safety Plan. LEAs are required to post this summary on their website. To complete the summary, copy and paste the domain summaries from the Health and Safety Plan tables above.
Facilities Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting and VentilationRequirement(s)
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
* Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilating learning spaces, surfaces, and any other areas used by students (i.e., restrooms, drinking fountains, hallways, and transportation)
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
* Classroom/learning space occupancy that allows for 6 feet of separation among students and staff throughout the day, to the maximum extent feasible
* Restricting the use of cafeterias and other congregate settings, and serving meals in alternate settings such as classrooms
* Hygiene practices for students and staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practices
* Posting signs, in highly visible locations, that promote everyday protective measures, and how to stop the spread of germs
* Handling sporting activities consistent with the CDC Considerations for Youth Sports for recess and physical education classes
Limiting the sharing of materials among students
Staggering the use of communal spaces and hallways
* Handling sporting activities consistent with the CDC Considerations for Youth Sports for recess and physical education classes
*Limiting the sharing of materials among students
*Staggering the use of communal spaces and hallways
*Adjusting transportation schedules and practices to create social distance between students
*Limiting the number of individuals in classrooms and other learning spaces, and interactions between groups of students
*Adjusting transportation protocol changes
*Other social distancing and safety practices
Monitoring Student and Staff HealthRequirement(s)
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
* Monitoring students and staff for symptoms and history of exposure
* Isolating or quarantining students, staff, or visitors if they become sick or demonstrate a history of exposure
* Returning isolated or quarantined staff, students, or visitors to school
*Notifying staff, families, and the public of school closures and within-school- year changes in safety protocols
Persons who have COVID-19 symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:
Other Considerations for Students and StaffRequirement(s)
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
* Protecting students and staff at higher risk for severe illness
* Use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by all staff
* Use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by older students (as appropriate)
*Unique safety protocols for students with complex needs or other vulnerable individuals
*Strategic deployment of staff
Health and Safety Plan Governing Body Affirmation StatementThe Board of Directors/Trustees for Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School reviewed and approved the Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan on July 21, 2020.
The plan was approved by a vote of:
Yes: 7
No: 0
Absent: 2
Affirmed on: (July 21, 2020)
By: Jen Saccketti
(Signature* of Board President)
(Print Name of Board President)
*Electronic signatures on this document are acceptable using one of the two methods detailed below.
Option A: The use of actual signatures is encouraged whenever possible. This method requires that the document be printed, signed, scanned, and then submitted.
Option B: If printing and scanning are not possible, add an electronic signature using the resident Microsoft Office product signature option, which is free to everyone, no installation or purchase needed.
Health and Safety Plan
Each school entity must create a Health and Safety Plan which will serve as the local guidelines for all instructional and non- instructional school reopening activities. As with all emergency plans, the Health and Safety Plan developed for each school entity should be tailored to the unique needs of each school and should be created in consultation with local health agencies. Given the dynamic nature of the pandemic, each plan should incorporate enough flexibility to adapt to changing conditions. The templates provided in this toolkit can be used to document a school entity’s Health and Safety Plan, with a focus on professional learning and communications, to ensure all stakeholders are fully informed and prepared for a local phased reopening of school facilities. A school entity’s Health and Safety Plan must be approved by its governing body and posted on the school entity’s publicly available website prior to the reopening of school. School entities should also consider whether the adoption of a new policy or the modification of an existing policy is necessary to effectively implement the Health and Safety Plan.
Each school entity should continue to monitor its Health and Safety Plan throughout the year and update as needed. All revisions should be reviewed and approved by the governing body prior to posting on the school entity’s public website.
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Table of Contents
Overview ……………………………………………………………………………. ..3
Purpose ………………………………………………………. ……………………3
Mission ……………………………………………………………. ……………… ….4
Likely Realities & Constraints ………………………………………………………4
Scope ………………………………………………………. ………………………… 5
Health and Safety Plan .............................................….........................................6
Type of Reopening.................................................................................................7
Pandemic Coordinator/Team.. ..............................................................................8
Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting and Ventilation. .............................................. .9
Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols...................................................... 9
Monitoring Student and Staff Health.................................................................. .13
Other Considerations for Students and Staff...................................................... 15
Health and Safety Plan Professional Development.............................................17
Health and Safety Plan Communications............................................................18
Health and Safety Plan Summary........................................................................19
Facilities Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting and Ventilation.................................19
Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols.....................................................19
Monitoring Student and Staff Health....................................................................20
Other Considerations for Students and Staff .......................................................21
Health and Safety Plan Governing Body Affirmation Statement ..........................22
This resource is based on official guidance from multiple sources to include: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House, American Academy of Pediatrics, Learning Policy Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Rutgers Graduate School of Education, the World Health Organization, the Office of the Prime Minister of Norway as well as the departments of education/health and/or offices of the governor for Idaho, Montana, New York, Texas and Washington, DC.
The plan outlines Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School’s strategy in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from a pandemic, specifically Covid-19, in a collective, community approach. It serves as a guide for the safe reopening of the school. This is a fluid document, based on local, state and federal guidelines, that will continue to develop over time.
This document contains supplemental information from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), the Center formDisease Control (CDC), the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (APA).
The intent of this Health and Safety Plan is to serve as the school’s guidelines for reopening activities. The purpose of this plan is to achieve the following goals:
- Enable Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School to continue to operate and provide services as normally and effectively as possible.
- To help to keep transmission as low as possible.
- The responses of Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School will be directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s direction and guidance. This plan coordinates federal, state, and local agencies.
- Develop a communication system to ensure the students, parents, and staff receive timely and accurate information regarding disease prevention strategies.
- Establish and maintain a coordinated command system to enable effective, and timely decision making regarding student learning needs.
Mission Statement
Our mission at Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School is to help in the intellectual, emotional, and social development of our students through social interaction as well age appropriate activities.
Likely Realities and Constraints
Our current situation is unpredictable; however, there are some realities that can be anticipated. Those realities help our plans to reopen, while others will make it a little more challenging in our efforts. It is important, as we plan, for everyone to work together and be on the same page about what is likely so we can focus our efforts on the most likely circumstances, while planning for the “what if’ scenarios.
- The virus will not be gone by September, but it’s level of spread may vary. COVID-19 will be present throughout the upcoming months, although the size and localization will vary due to businesses and communities reopening.
- The availability of COVID-19 testing will improve, but unclear by how much. The state’s capacity for testing is improving, but is unclear when antibody tests will be available for the masses.
- School will reopen for in person instruction in September. Students will begin returning to school on Sept. 1 which will be for back to school conferences. There will be many changes utilized to promote health and safety.
- Virtual instruction will not be an option. Hazleton Trinity does not have the capabilities to provide virtual instruction.
The scope of this Health and Safety Plan covers school reopening as it pertains to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – Symptoms of COVID -19 have reportedly had mild to severe respiratory illness accompanied with fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. The virus is spread person-to-person between people within close contact (about 6 feet), via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person sneezes or coughs, and these droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby where the droplets are inhaled into the lungs. Transmission may also be possible through contact with contaminated surfaces, but this is not thought to be the main way of transmission.
People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Health and Safety Plan: Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School
Health and Safety Plan: Hazleton Trinity Nursery and Kindergarten Health and Safety Plan: Hazleton Trinity Nursery and Kindergarten SSchoolAll decision-makers should be mindful that as long as there are cases of COVID-19 in the community, there are no strategies that can completely eliminate transmission risk within a school population. The goal is to keep transmission as low as possible to safely continue school activities. All school activities must be informed by Governor Wolf’s Process to Reopen Pennsylvania. The administration has categorized reopening into three broad phases: red, yellow, or green. These designations signal how counties and/or regions may begin easing some restrictions on school, work, congregate settings, and social interactions:
- The Red Phase: Schools remain closed for in-person instruction and all instruction must be provided via remote learning, whether using digital or non-digital platforms. Provisions for student services such as school meal programs should continue. Large gatherings are prohibited.
- The Yellow Phase and Green Phase: Schools may provide in-person instruction after developing a written Health and Safety Plan, to be approved by the local governing body (e.g. board of directors/trustees) and posted on the school entity’s publicly available website.
Depending upon the public health conditions in any county within the Commonwealth, there could be additional actions, orders, or guidance provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and/or the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) designating the county as being in the red, yellow, or green phase.
Type of Reopening
- How do you plan to bring students and staff back to physical school buildings, particularly if you still need social distancing in place?
- How did you engage stakeholders in the type of re-opening your school entity selected?
- How will you communicate your plan to your local community?
- Once you reopen, what will the decision-making process look like to prompt a school closure or other significant modification to operations?
☒ Total reopen for all students and staff.
☐ Scaffolded reopening: Some students are engaged in in-person learning, while others are distance learning (i.e., some grade levels in-person, other grade levels remote learning).
☐ Blended reopening that balances in-person learning and remote learning for all students (i.e., alternating days or weeks).
☐ Total remote learning for all students. (Plan should reflect future action steps to be implemented and conditions that would prompt the decision as to when schools will re-open for in-person learning).
Anticipated launch date for in-person learning (i.e., start of blended, scaffolded, or total reopening): September 1, 2020
Pandemic Coordinator/Team “Pandemic Team Rules and Responsibilities”:
- Health and Safety Plan Development: Individual will play a role in drafting the enclosed Health and Safety Plan;
- Pandemic Crisis Response Team: Individual will play a role in within-year decision making regarding response efforts in the event of a confirmed positive case or exposure among staff and students; or
Kate Amentler Director Both
Jen Saccketti School Board President Both
Mike DeCosmo School Board Member/Parent Both
Jim Leib. School Board President Both
Theresa Seigendall. SchoolBoard Member Both
Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting, and Ventilation
- How will you ensure the building is cleaned and ready to safely welcome staff and students?
- How often will you implement cleaning, sanitation, disinfecting, and ventilation protocols/procedures to maintain staff and student safety?
- What protocols will you put in place to clean and disinfect throughout an individual school day?
- Which stakeholders will be trained on cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilation protocols? When and how will the training be provided? How will preparedness to implement as a result of the training be measured?
Requirements: Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilating learning spaces, surfaces, and any other areas used by students (i.e., restrooms, drinking fountains, hallways, and transportation)
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects within the school at least daily, including door handles, sink handles, stair rails, toilet seat, tables and chairs.
- Communal drinking fountain will not be used
Lead Individual: Director & teachers
Materials, Resources, and or supports needed: Cleaning materials
PD Required: Y
Other cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilation practices
Action steps under Yellow & Green Phases
- Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air by opening windows and doors and use fans when possible.
Lead Individual: Director & teachers
Maintenance staff
Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols
- How will classrooms/learning spaces be organized to mitigate spread?
- How will you group students with staff to limit the number of individuals who come into contact with each other throughout the school day?
- How will you utilize outdoor space to help meet social distancing needs?
- What hygiene routines will be implemented throughout the school day?
- How will you adjust student transportation to meet social distancing requirements?
- What visitor and volunteer policies will you implement to mitigate spread?
- Will any of these social distancing and other safety protocols differ based on age and/or grade ranges?
- Which stakeholders will be trained on social distancing and other safety protocols? When and how will the training be provided?
Requirements: Classroom/ learning space occupancy that allows for 6 feet of separation among students and staff throughout the day, to the maximum extent feasible
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
- Develop a schedule so that student and staff groupings are as static as possible by having the same group of students stay with the same staff.
- Create staggered schedules to limit the number of individuals in classrooms and other spaces. (CDC recommends no more than 25 individuals including staff).
- Establish distances (CDC recommends 6 feet) between student desks/seating and other social distancing practices to the maximum extent feasible and appropriate.
- Restrict interactions between groups of students.
- Limit gatherings, events, and extracurricular activities to those that can maintain social distancing.
Lead Individual and Position: Director
PD Required: Y
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Requirements: Hygiene practices for students and staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practices
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
- Teach and reinforce washing hands and covering coughs and sneezes among students and staff.
- Ensure adequate supplies, and carefully monitor inventory, to support healthy hygiene behaviors, including soap, hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol, paper towels, tissues, and no-tough trash cans.
- CDC handwashing resources
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resources, & Supports needed: Soap, Hand Sanitizer
CDC Handwashing Resources
Requirements: Posting signs, in highly visible locations, that promote everyday protective measures, and how to stop the spread of germs
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
- Post signs on how to stop the spread of COVID-19, such as properly washing hands, promote everyday protective measures, and properly wear a face covering.
- CDC Germs are Everywhere signs
- CDC Wash Your Hands signs
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resources, and or supports needed: CDC Website
PD Required: N
Requirements: Identifying and restricting non-essential visitors and volunteers
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
- Refrain from scheduling large group activities such as field trips, inter-group events, and extracurricular activities.
- Restrict nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities that involve other groups.
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resources needed: N/A
PD required: N
Requirements: Handling recess and music class
Action Steps taken under Yellow & Green Phases:
- Create staggered schedules to limit number of individuals in area.
- Limit recreation areas to open spaces.
- Disinfect equipment before use.
- Restrict interaction between classes
- Establish social distancing to the maximum extent feasible and appropriate
Lead individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resources, and or supports needed: Cleaning Materials
PD required: N
Requirements: Limiting the sharing of materials among students
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
- Children will have their own pencil box with crayons and pencils.
- AM & PM session will have separate toys.
- Clean and disinfect shared items between uses, ex. glue bottles and scissors.
- Keep each student’s belongings separated from others.
Lead Individual & Position: Director/Teachers
Materials, Resources, and supports needed: Cleaning Materials
PD Required: N
Requirement: Staggering the use of communal spaces and hallways
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
Separate students within common areas
- Arrival
- Dismissal
Lead Individual & position: Director/Teachers
Materials, Resources needed: N/A
PD Required: N
Requirement: Adjusting transportation schedules and practices to create social distance between students
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
- Each class will be dismissed at a separate door
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials & resources needed: N/A
PD Required: N
Requirement: Limiting the number of individuals in classrooms and other learning spaces, and interactions between groups of students
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
- Restrict interactions between groups
- Ensure that class groupings are as static as possible.
Lead Individual & position: Director
Materials, Resources needed: N/A
PD Required: N
Other social distancing and safety practices
Monitoring Student and Staff HealthKey Questions
- How will you monitor students, staff, and others who interact with each other to ensure they are healthy and not exhibiting signs of illness?
- Where, to whom, when, and how frequently will the monitoring take place (e.g. parent or child report from home or upon arrival to school)?
- What is the policy for quarantine or isolation if a staff, student, or other member of the school community becomes ill or has been exposed to an individual confirmed positive for COVID-19?
- Which staff will be responsible for making decisions regarding quarantine or isolation requirements of staff or students?
- What conditions will a staff or student confirmed to have COVID-19 need to meet to safely return to school? How will you accommodate staff who are unable to uncomfortable to return?
- How will you determine which students are willing/able to return? How will you accommodate students who are unable or uncomfortable to return?
- When and how will families be notified of confirmed staff or student illness or exposure and resulting changes to the local Health and Safety Plan?
- Which stakeholders will be trained on protocols for monitoring student and staff health? When and how will the training be provided? How will preparedness to implement as a result of the training be measured?
Summary of Responses to Key Questions:
Requirements: Monitoring students and staff for symptoms and history of exposure
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases
- Encourage staff to stay home if they are sick and encourage parents to keep sick children home.
- Temperature checks will be done at arrival of both child & parent.
- Parents will be encouraged to check for symptoms before coming to school.
- Staff temperatures will be checked daily upon arrival.
- Symptoms of COVID-19 will be posted.
Lead Individual & Position: Director/Teachers
Materials, Resources, and or Supports needed: Screening & reporting Procedures
PD Required: Y
Requirements: Isolating or quarantining students, staff, or visitors if they become sick or demonstrate a history of exposure
Action Steps under Yellow and Green Phases:
*A separate room/space will be available for anyone who becomes ill while at school until they can be picked up.
*Close off area used by sick individual & do not use before cleaning & disinfecting.
*Notify staff and families, local health officials of confirmed case.
Lead individual & Position: Director & Teachers
Materials, Resources needed: isolation area
PD Required: Y
Requirement: Returning isolated or quarantined staff, students, or visitors to school
Action Steps taken under Yellow & Green Phases:
Persons who have COVID-19 symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:
· 10 days from the onset of symptoms.
· Resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications for the previous 72 hours.
· Improvement in respiratory symptoms (eg.,cough, shortness of breath)
· Negative results of an FDA Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 molecular assay for detection of
SARS-CoV-2 RNA from at least two consecutive respiratory specimens collected >24 hours apart (total of two negative specimens)
Lead individual & Position: Director/Teachers
Materials & Resources needed: no
PD Required: N
Requirement: Notifying staff, families, and the public of school closures and within-school-year changes in safety protocols
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
· Post Health and Safety Plan on website.
· Provide updates on website & in newsletters/flyers/social media
Lead Individual& Position: Director/Teachers
Materials, Resources, and or Supports needed: Health & Safety Plan
PD Required: n
Other monitoring and screening practices:
Other Considerations for Students and Staff
What is the local policy/procedure regarding face coverings for staff? What is the policy/procedure for students?
· What special protocols will you implement to protect students and staff at higher risk for severe illness?
· How will you ensure enough substitute teachers are prepared in the event of staff illness?
· How will the LEA strategically deploy instructional and non-instructional staff to ensure all students have access to quality learning opportunities, as well as supports for social emotional wellness at school and at home?
Summary of Responses to Key Questions:
Requirement:Requirements Materials, Resources, and or Supports Needed
Protecting students and staff at higher risk for severe illness
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
· Limit or cancel all non-essential travel as necessary.
· Discourage use of Perfect Attendance Awards.
· Restrict interactions between groups.
· Limit gatherings.
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resourses, and or supports needed: n/a
PD required: N
Requirement: Use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by students as appropriate
Action Steps under yellow & Green Phases
- Follow current guidelines at that time posted by Department of Education
Lead individual & position: Director
School Board
Materials, Resources, and or Supports: Signage Regarding Expectations
PD required: N
Requirement: Use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by staff (as appropriate)
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases:
- Follow current guidelines at that time posted by Department of Education.
Lead Individual & Position: Director
School Board
Materials, Resources, and or Supports needed: Signage Regarding Expectations
PD Required: N
Requirement: Unique safety protocols for students with complex needs or other vulnerable individuals
Action Steps under Yellow & Green Phases
- Restrict interaction between groups.
- Reinforce hand washing
- Maintain communication with family.
- Limit gatherings.
Lead Individual & Position: Director
Materials, Resources, and or Supports needed: n/a
PD Required: N
Health and Safety Plan Professional Development
The success of your plan for a healthy and safe reopening requires all stakeholders to be prepared with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement the plan as intended. For each item that requires professional development, document the following components of your professional learning plan.
- Topic: List the content on which the professional development will focus.
- Audience: List the stakeholder group(s) who will participate in the professional learning activity.
- Lead Person and Position: List the person or organization that will provide the professional learning.
- Session Format: List the strategy/format that will be utilized to facilitate participant learning.
- Materials, Resources, and or Supports Needed: List any materials, resources, or support required to implement the requirement.
- Start Date: Enter the date on which the first professional learning activity for the topic will be offered.
- Completion Date: Enter the date on which the last professional learning activity for the topic will be offered.
Topic: Implementing Trinity's Health & Safety Plan
Audience: All Staff
Lead Person and Position: Kate Amentler, Director
Session Format: Staff In-Service
Materials, Resources, and or Supports Needed: Copy of plan
Start Date
Completion Date: Prior to start of 2020/2021 school year
Health and Safety Plan Communications
Timely and effective family and caregiver communication about health and safety protocols and schedules will be critical. Schools should be particularly mindful that frequent communications are accessible in non-English languages and to all caregivers (this is particularly important for children residing with grandparents or other kin or foster caregivers). Additionally, LEAs should establish and maintain ongoing communication with local and state authorities to determine current mitigation levels in your community.
Topic: School Board Meeting to discuss opening options
Audience:School Board
Mode of communication: in person meeting
Start date: 6/10/2020
6/ 25/2020
Return to school survey
Board President
School Board meeting to develop Health & Safety Plan
Staff Updates
Staff- ongoing
7/23/2020- to go over health plan with staff
Department of Health Communication
on-going phone calls made by the director
Health and Safety Plan Summary: Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School
Anticipated Launch Date: September 1, 2020
Use these summary tables to provide your local education community with a detailed overview of your Health and Safety Plan. LEAs are required to post this summary on their website. To complete the summary, copy and paste the domain summaries from the Health and Safety Plan tables above.
Facilities Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting and VentilationRequirement(s)
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
* Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilating learning spaces, surfaces, and any other areas used by students (i.e., restrooms, drinking fountains, hallways, and transportation)
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects within the school at least daily, including door handles, sink handles, stair rails, toilet seat, tables and chairs.
- Communal drinking fountain will not be used.
- Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air by opening windows and doors and use fans when possible.
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
* Classroom/learning space occupancy that allows for 6 feet of separation among students and staff throughout the day, to the maximum extent feasible
* Restricting the use of cafeterias and other congregate settings, and serving meals in alternate settings such as classrooms
* Hygiene practices for students and staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practices
* Posting signs, in highly visible locations, that promote everyday protective measures, and how to stop the spread of germs
* Handling sporting activities consistent with the CDC Considerations for Youth Sports for recess and physical education classes
Limiting the sharing of materials among students
Staggering the use of communal spaces and hallways
* Handling sporting activities consistent with the CDC Considerations for Youth Sports for recess and physical education classes
*Limiting the sharing of materials among students
*Staggering the use of communal spaces and hallways
*Adjusting transportation schedules and practices to create social distance between students
*Limiting the number of individuals in classrooms and other learning spaces, and interactions between groups of students
*Adjusting transportation protocol changes
*Other social distancing and safety practices
- Develop a schedule so that student and staff groupings are as static as possible by having the same group of students stay with the same staff.
- Create staggered schedules to limit the number of individuals in classrooms and other spaces. (CDC recommends no more than 25 individuals including staff).
- Establish distances (CDC recommends 6 feet) between student desks/seating and other social distancing practices to the maximum extent feasible and appropriate.
- Restrict interactions between groups of students.
- Limit gatherings, events, and extracurricular activities to those that can maintain social distancing.
- Teach and reinforce washing hands and covering coughs and sneezes among students and staff.
- Ensure adequate supplies, and carefully monitor inventory, to support healthy hygiene behaviors, including soap, hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol, paper towels, tissues, and no-tough trash cans.
- CDC handwashing resources.
- Post signs on how to stop the spread of COVID-19, such as properly washing hands, promote everyday protective measures, and properly wear a face covering.
- CDC Germs are Everywhere signs
- CDC Wash Your Hands signs
- Refrain from scheduling large group activities such as field trips, inter-group events, and extracurricular activities.
- Restrict nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities that involve other groups.
- Create staggered schedules to limit number of individuals in area.
- Limit recreation areas to open spaces.
- Disinfect equipment before use.
- Restrict interaction between classes
- Establish social distancing to the maximum extent feasible and appropriate.
- Children will have their own pencil box with crayons and pencils.
- AM & PM session will have separate toys.
- Clean and disinfect shared items between uses, ex. glue bottles and scissors.
- Keep each student’s belongings separated from others.
- Separate students within common areas especially during arrival & dismissal
- Each class will be dismissed at a separate door.
- Restrict interactions between groups
- Ensure that class groupings are as static as possible.
Monitoring Student and Staff HealthRequirement(s)
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
* Monitoring students and staff for symptoms and history of exposure
* Isolating or quarantining students, staff, or visitors if they become sick or demonstrate a history of exposure
* Returning isolated or quarantined staff, students, or visitors to school
*Notifying staff, families, and the public of school closures and within-school- year changes in safety protocols
- Encourage staff to stay home if they are sick and encourage parents to keep sick children home.
- Temperature checks will be done at arrival of both child & parent.
- Parents will be encouraged to check for symptoms before coming to school.
- Staff temperatures will be checked daily upon arrival.
- Symptoms of COVID-19 will be posted.
- A separate room/space will be available for anyone who becomes ill while at school until they can be picked up.
- Close off area used by the sick individual & do not use before cleaning and disinfecting.
- Notify staff and families, local health officials of confirmed case.
Persons who have COVID-19 symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:
- 10 days from the onset of symptoms.
- Resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications for the previous 72 hours.
- Improvement in respiratory symptoms (eg.,cough, shortness of breath)
- Negative results of an FDA Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 molecular assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from at least two consecutive respiratory specimens collected >24 hours apart (total of two negative specimens)
- Post Health and Safety Plan on website.
- Provide updates on website & in newsletters/flyers/social media
Other Considerations for Students and StaffRequirement(s)
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
* Protecting students and staff at higher risk for severe illness
* Use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by all staff
* Use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by older students (as appropriate)
*Unique safety protocols for students with complex needs or other vulnerable individuals
*Strategic deployment of staff
- Limit or cancel all non-essential travel as necessary.
- Discourage use of Perfect Attendance Awards.
- Restrict interactions between groups.
- Limit gatherings
- Follow current guidelines at that time.
- Follow current guidelines at that time.
- Restrict interaction between groups.
- Reinforce hand washing
- Maintain communication with family.
- Limit gatherings.
Health and Safety Plan Governing Body Affirmation StatementThe Board of Directors/Trustees for Hazleton Trinity Nursery & Kindergarten School reviewed and approved the Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan on July 21, 2020.
The plan was approved by a vote of:
Yes: 7
No: 0
Absent: 2
Affirmed on: (July 21, 2020)
By: Jen Saccketti
(Signature* of Board President)
(Print Name of Board President)
*Electronic signatures on this document are acceptable using one of the two methods detailed below.
Option A: The use of actual signatures is encouraged whenever possible. This method requires that the document be printed, signed, scanned, and then submitted.
Option B: If printing and scanning are not possible, add an electronic signature using the resident Microsoft Office product signature option, which is free to everyone, no installation or purchase needed.